What is a hurricane, tornado and a cyclone?

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If you are watching the weather news, you will come across words like cyclones, tornadoes, and hurricanes. But did you know what they mean, and how they are formed? Let’s find out!

What is a tornado?

A tornado is a rotating column of air that forms inside of storms called supercells. When condensation occurs, hot air is formed and rises above to the clouds, and the cold air, since it is denser, stays around the warm air making a spiral. They are also called “Twisters” Some famous tornadoes are- Tri-State Tornado, Palm Sunday Tornado, Woodward Tornado.

What is a hurricane?


Hurricanes are also called Tropical Cyclones and are formed in the deep ocean like tornadoes except they can be much, much bigger and last longer.
There are different categories and category 3, 4, and 5 are the most dangerous.
The category depends on how fast the wind level is.
Category 3 is 111-129 mph.
Category 4 is 130-156 mph.
And category 5 is 157 mph or higher.
Hurricanes are common in the Pacific Ocean and affect- China, Philippines, Japan Mexico, United States, Australia, Taiwan, etc.

Some of the famous cyclones are – Hurricane Katrina, Hurricane Andrew, Hurricane Irma.

What is a cyclone?

Hurricanes are also known as “Cyclones” in the Atlantic and the Northwest Pacific region.
And if the tropical cyclone wind speed is higher than 74mph, then it is called a hurricane.


-By Arya Reddy

Arya is an avid learner and loves to write. He likes to take on new interesting topics through in-depth research. Arya is also a trained singer, video editor, voice-over artist and loves photography.  

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